Saturday, March 24, 2007

Memo# 11: SPM Award Ceremony 2007

Yesterday was the Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan. This is a short post with a lot of pictures.
Russel and Keith came back today just to attend the ceremony. They required that I dress formally with slacks and tie. Which is something I'm not used to wearing.

It was fun meeting them after 3 months. Sean dressed like a fag with white confirmation shirt and blue slacks wearing converse blue shoes.
Pilak faggot

Russel wore a very nice shirt and he looks more chinese.

Ong actually wore his old school uniform there. He read the paper wrongly..hahahaha


Peraturan pakaian Penerima Anugerah/Hadiah Majlis Rasmi SM La Salle

A.Pelajar yang masih menuntut di SM La Salle PERLU memakai pakaian seagam sekolah seperti yang ditetapkan di bawah:

1.Pakaian seragam hendaklah bersih dan kemas
2.Baju berwarna putih lengan pendej atau oanjang
3.Seluar panhang berwarna hijau gelap
4.Bertali leher sekolah
as opposed to what we EX-STUDENTS are supposed to wear

B.Bekas pelajar SM La Salle PERLU mematuhi etika berpakaian seperti di bawah:

Pelajar Lelaki:
1.Berpakaian bersih dan kemas (not uniform)
2.Kemeja Lengan panjang
3.Seluar panjang 'slack'
4.Bertali leher (not school's tie)
Noob wearing school clothes

Chu re-dyed his hair back to black

I got 2 awards which is the Anugerah Kecemerlangan SPM 2006 and the Sijil Perkhidmatan Separuh Warna even though i deserved a Penuh Warna.

Kew and Keith got denied on stage just because they were wearing jeans. It was too much lar for the school to do that. Keith sibeh tulan that he went straight home. Came all the way from Miri just to be denied. Stupid rules!

The school students presented some kinda Ah Kua Visit Malaysia Year 2007 Dancing Performance. Now these are the things guys should NOT do
What boys shouldnt do

At least their on screen presentation of the achievements of La Sallians was done much better this year than previous years where noobs used PowerPoint to do their presentation

They used Jesus worship music I think

According to the teacher, the turtle Done Oh is still alive and w ell in the school lab.. hahaha


1 comment:

大恒 said...

Yaloh..i aslo deserve penuh since i m so active in interact club...kong? how can he be? he not that actve...hai
kesian keith..he ngait sai